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HR Management

Post Job Openings In-House


Q. We rarely post high-level management jobs internally. Must all jobs be posted internally so that someone can’t file suit claiming “pre-selection” or that he never had a chance to apply? —K.L., California

Employees have no privacy claim to company-supplied home PC

For 12 years, a senior insurance executive used two company- provided computers, one at the office and one at his home. He had signed his company’s computer policy, agreeing to use …

Driving while dialing: Set policy to limit car-phone liability

Many companies have policies regarding telephone calls at work. But these policies often fall short of including the use of phones and other wireless devices for business while driving. Don’t let …

FMLA recordkeeping hassles costing businesses big bucks

Complying with the information-collection requirements of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) costs large- and medium-size employers an average of $825,000 annually, says a recent survey by the Employment …

Toughen your hiring policy to help neutralize union ‘salts’

In applying for a job with a heating and air conditioning company, an applicant stated that he had been laid off from his previous job. But the truth was that the …

Examine your promotion policy for reverse discrimination

Reason: In a closely watched case, a federal court struck down the U.S. Army’s officer promotion process on the grounds it discriminates against white men. The policy notes past discrimination against …

Root out violent applicants by asking right questions

Sept. 11 put a new kind of workplace violence on the radar screen, but the threat of verbal and physical attacks by co-workers, customers and spouses is still just as pressing …

FMLA Won’t Cover Tardiness


Q. Some of our employees routinely ask to use FMLA when they are five, 10 or 15 minutes late. It creates a scheduling nightmare and hurts morale. Does FMLA cover employees who are consistently tardy for work? —M.P., Florida

New risk: Promotion without pay

After her male supervisor retired, Lynda Hunt was promised a raise and a new job title if she’d take on some of her ex-supervisor’s duties. She agreed and began training, disciplining …

React fast, firmly to harassment; courts will reward your judgment

A political cover-up usually gets people in bigger trouble than the crime itself. The same is true in the workplace. Trying to sweep employee misbehavior under the rug will only dig …